No.1088 台湾のTina、No.1089 台湾のAmy


No.1088 台湾のTina
My name is Tina Chang, from Taipei, Taiwan.
For Taiwan, HongKong, China fans who don't know Japanese,we made this translation page to help them understand.
I hope more people to know about Takuya. This is not a easy task, but I'll try my best. Since my Japanese is not so perfect, if someone find any mistakes in my translations,please tell me.  Thank you very much and hope you enjoy reading them.

No.1089 台湾のAmy
Hi: I'm Amy from Taiwan Taipei. Kimura Takuya is my favrite Japanese artist. In Taiwan many people like him but don't know any Japanese, so I translation the program "What's up SMAP" to Taiwan people.
And I'm so happy to do this. I'm a OL in Taiwan and my job is producter of TV commercial. Nice to meet you all.


★ Chinese Version・INDEX ★


What's Up Smap Report Chinese Version

STOP THE SMAP Report Chinese Version



